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Current membership is at 19,050 paid members with a goal of 22,300 members. View the updated Department Membership Report dated March 13, 2025.

USAA is proud to be the Preferred Provider of Insurance and Financial Services to The American Legion. Please visit or call 877-699-2654.

Nebraska American Legion Looking for New State Assistant Adjutant
This is a paid position with benefits. Must be a veteran to apply. See description and if interested, fill out the application and send it, along with your resume and references, to
. Interviews expected in early March with a start date shortly after. Questions? Phone 402-464-6338 and ask to speak with Adjutant Salak.
- Download the job description here
- Download the job application here

A Message from the Commander...

Department of Nebraska American Legion Commander John Henry PearcyWelcome to the Nebraska American Legion website. We currently have over 350 American Legion Posts and over 22,000 Legion members throughout the State of Nebraska. Our members are proud to be part of the largest veteran's organization in the world.

We are on our second century. Since World War I, Nebraska American Legion posts and its members have promoted the four pillars of The American Legion. These pillars include Americanism, Children and Youth, National Security, and Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation.

The American Legion Family is a family that includes The American Legion Auxiliary, The Sons of The American Legion and The American Legion Riders. All of our Family members work together to fulfill our Four Pillars. My motto for this year is "Character, Values, and Integrity." To succeed as an organization, we must develop and mentor our new members so they can become future leaders. This will ensure we provide for the future success of our great organization.

If you are a veteran, please join The American Legion. You won't be disappointed. As we go into our second century, The American Legion continues to strive and support our military, veterans, their families, our youth, and this great Nation. Contact us at (402) 464-6338. Join us and see how your efforts can help keep The American Legion strong.


Boyd Yochum
Department Commander