As concerned citizens and veterans, Legionnaires have always fostered a strong sense of law and order and have upheld the protection of American citizens and the American way of life. They have always held law enforcement agencies in the highest regard, and many Posts and Departments already recognize outstanding law enforcement officers of various jurisdictions who daily serve our communities and frequently lay their lives on the line.

Department Commander John Henry Pearcy (right) presents Officer Audrey Arbuckle (left), Crete Police Department,
with the
2023 Nebraska American Legion Law Enforcement Officer of the Year Award at the 105th Annual
Department Convention.
To be eligible for consideration, nominees must meet the following criteria:
- Be a citizen of the United States;
- Be a living, active, full-time and paid, sworn law enforcement officer entrusted with full authority and powers of arrest;
- Be assigned to, or fully recognized by municipal (city), county, district, state police, highway patrol, sheriff's office, or as a sworn federal officer (e.g., FBI, Secret Service, U.S. Federal Marshal, National Park Police);
- Nominees are not required to be veterans or members of The American Legion;
- Reside and be assigned or attached for duty in the department from which they are selected; and
- If selected, be available to receive the award at The American Legion Department of Nebraska Convention in January.
Consideration for a posthumous award will be acceptable only if the nominee's death has occurred after the department's selection and within the dates for which the award is being presented.
The American Legion Department of Nebraska will submit one nomination from the state for the National Law Enforcement Officer of the Year Award. This award is given at Legion Headquarter's annual convention.
- Download the Department of Nebraska Law Enforcement Officer of the Year Application Form. The complete application package must be submitted to Department Headquarters in Lincoln by December 1st.